Jakub Link-Lenczowski
Publisher of the MILMAG portal
An expert in the field of aviation and defense.
Jarosław Lis
Editor-in-chief of MILMAG Shooting, Outdoor, Lifestyle
Shooter, knife and equipment specialist.
Grzegorz Sobczak
Editor-in-chief of MILMAG Defense Space
Defense expert, military analyst with many years of journalistic experience.
Rafał Janicki
Editor of the Adventure section
A specialist in automotive and outdoor topics.
Rafał Muczyński
Editor of the Defense & Space section
An expert in the field of defense and industry.
Paweł Ścibiorek
Editor, Advertising Department
Editor of the Shooting and Adventure sections, also responsible for advertising.
Karol Szczęśniak
A specialist in the field of practical and combat shooting.